Threads 329 Meeting every Tuesday at 9:30am Creating hand sewn items made with love to help support and serve various local groups. All are welcome to join!
Faith 329 This ministry meets on Tuesdays at 11:30 am. Bring your own brown bag lunch. This is a woman's support group to help each other through the joys and trials of our lives while reaching out to others in our love through Christ. We will begin with devotionals from "30 Days to Growing in Your Faith" by Max Anders.
Sign up at the welcome center!
See Suzon for any questions.
Our women also meets every Wednesday at 6:30pm.
Currently we are studying Psalms with "As for Me: Life through The Lens of The Psalms"
Sunday Fellowship Our men's fellowship group meets every Sunday evening at 5:00pm to discuss the various topics in Design for Discipleship: Your Life in Christ.
Also at 5:00pm, we have our Old Testament study group going through the study guide: Step By Step through The Old Testament *childcare coverage provided for both Sunday meetings
Sparr Elementary School Ministries:
Sparr Baptist Church will periodically conduct a ministries to the nearby elementary school, donating school items and putting on a luncheon for teachers and staff there.
Wear Gloves
We are collecting the following items: Shampoo/Conditioner, body wash, Q-tips, lotion, face wash, deodorant, soap, flushable wipes. Please place items in the box located in the church foyer!